Sample Photos For Hotel Mock-Up Room

Sample Photos For Hotel Mock-Up Room – Sample hotel room is one of the important stage in hotel guestroom design process. Hotel sample guestroom is needed for any new hotel project or major guestroom refurbishment. Room design can be convenient for one project but it can be far from about the customer’s expectation in another project. Our experienced architects and interior designers guide you through the process, saving you time and helping you reach greater success.

The objective is to create a hotel guest room according to customer requirement.

We manufacture mock-up guest rooms in our factory in Turkey, in order to assure our client for the best quality. As per customers request we may install the room at Project site as well. Having a mock-up room is the best way of mutual understanding in fit-out contracting business. The client will be able to see all details of a hotel room and can comment/adjust as per his needs.

The Advantages of a Sample Guest Room manufactured in Turkey

  • All problems can be resolved before the mass production
  • The quality of the room and materials can be checked
  • Places of components can be replaced
  • Mechanical and electrical components can be checked

Hotel Guest Room Mock-Up Made in Turkey

Hotel Furniture Concept is specialized in hotel furniture and manufactures in its own furniture factory in Turkey.

  • Competetive prices
  • High quality products
  • One stop solution
  • Custom fabricated Turkish hotel furniture
01 b mock up guest room sample made in turkey

Sample Photos For Presentation of A Hotel Sample Guest Room

Hotel Sample Mock-up Rooms Made in Turkey

The design of hotel rooms is an important factor that determines how attractive and unique the interiors would be. Sample photos for hotel mock-up room is critical in achieving a holistic hotel design. The processes in selecting the samples should be tailored to suit the customer needs, therefore all operations involved must be carefully scrutinized and uniquely associated with the success of the customer’s requirements.

Importance of Hotel Sample Mock-up Rooms Made in Turkey

  • Project Success

Hotel sample mock-up rooms made in Turkey are provided in line with the customer requirements, this ensures the customer’s requirements are always in line with the design thus improving the chances of the project success. The samples readily respond to the requests made.

  • Trial and error adjustments

The hotel sample mock-up rooms made in Turkey preventing further mistakes in designing subsequent rooms. It allows project managers to prevent mistakes in the design of many rooms, rather all details, suggestions, and trials are made in a design of a single room, and the design is replicated into other similar rooms. This process also allows for the identification of potential problems before designing begins

  • Time-Saving

The trial and error process helps to save time as the decision made in one room is applied to another, thus further decisions in similar rooms regarding built-in-furniture placement, lights placement, plumbing, and color application are eliminated.

  • Conformity

Some hotel brands prefer conformity in the room designs to meet up the expectations of the guests and achieve a uniform look across all properties.

  • Review changes

Hotel sample rooms help to prevent review changes during the design of rooms. This goes a long way to prevent wastage of time, ensure timely completion of projects, and save construction materials. Review changes also ensure the proper replacement of components before the purchase of items for construction

  • Timely Delivery

Mock-up room samples made in Turkey promote the timely delivery of materials used for the room design. Contractors can order materials once and finish up projects in time.

  • Variety and High-quality purposes

The sample mock-up design allows contractors to cater to the variety of needs of the different kinds of guests and purposes the rooms shall be used for. Guest such as travelers, vacationers, and casual guests can find the room design appealing. Also, other functions such as social, political, and, cultural, religious purposes can be served with the sample design. This sample design also ensures that the hotel concept is not forgone and assists in ensuring that high-quality materials are used in the construction

  • Mechanical and electrical accuracy

The sample designs allow for a cross-check of the status of the electrical and mechanical components before the designing process.


The hotel sample mock-up rooms made in Turkey provide a one-stop solution for hotel room designs at affordable pricing and high-quality furniture and products for hotel rooms. These mock-up designs help to prevent further hassles in the room design process and helps to improve the satisfaction of the customer and guests.


HFC is a hotel furniture manufacturer company based in Turkey. Please check our extensive range of our services and products. As an important step in hotel furniture contract business, we produce sample hotel rooms. We have +30 years furniture manufacturing experience. Have a look at some of our recent references.. You can find lots of articles in our blog about our experiences and services. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions..

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